Perfect and Free Javacript Sources for anyone who wants to start learning JS
- You Don’t Know JS Yet (book series)
This is a series of books diving deep into the core mechanisms of the JavaScript language. I have checked and read some chapters. Its taking from the most basic and giving perfect examples and same time guiding you to do it on your own. So it can be perfect for someone who wants to laern about js.
you can access it from here and check it on github. Even it has two edition you can check 1st and 2st edition too, as you wish.
2.Mozilla’s javascript documentation
Mozilla has a documentation for javascript and you can just check which subtitles(Complete beginners, javascript Guide, Intermadiate and Advanced) is the best fit for your level and then start to learn from there.
You can access it from it from here
If you are programmer you have probably heard abour :)
w3schools like all other courses it contains, it takes from the begining and giving examples. And at the same time after you check each example on each concept, w3schools has it’s own editor to try it on your own to make a good practice.
You can access it from here
And has a How To section, check from here. on this section you can find too many web, mobil most needed and using templates, like navbar, sidebar or slide templates. It may be a good section to use javascript because it gives a ready template with HTML, CSS and javascript. On How To with more interactively and again you can use w3schools’s editor to test it.
4.FreeCodeCamp web development course
This source is a youtube video created by Zach Gollwitzer and published at freeCodeCamp youtube channel about frontend web development you can check it from here. The course is not just about Javascript its teaching about giving a brief about HTML and CSS too. But the most of the course is about JS and the best side is that the instructor after teaching concepts salving too many questions that’s why especially if you have no programing background, it may be a perfect fit for you.
I hope this soruces may help you to get through easily on your learing JS journey. I have used them while I was learning Js and wanted make a source for everyone who wants to find some nice and usefull sources. If sources helped you to find nice sources dont forget to give it a clapse and follow. Hope to See you soon again on a new concept article.